A simpler way to think
about marketing
Marketing is complicated.
And confusing.
I think this is one of the biggest problems with marketing. I think this is one of the biggest reasons marketing is so hard for so many people and businesses.
There are so many different ways to do marketing. Which marketing things should we do? Which will work for us?
And, even with all the fancy technology we have these days, a lot of the time, it’s still really hard to see why our marketing didn’t work. Was it the channel we picked? Was it the copy? Is it because we aren’t different enough?
Wouldn’t it be a lot easier if we had a good handle on marketing?
Wouldn’t it be easier if we knew what to do in our marketing, most of the time? Like, if we knew what our overall marketing strategy should be, and we knew how to execute that strategy, with the right channels, the right tactics, and the right copy.
Wouldn’t it be easier if we could quickly sift and sort the bad marketing advice from the good, and use only the good?
If we knew these things, if we had these abilities, wouldn’t this make getting more customers and growing our revenues a lot easier?
I’ve been in the small business sales and marketing trenches for 17 years, trying, testing, tweaking, trying again, testing more, tweaking some more.
Based on all that experience, I’ve developed a framework for thinking about marketing (and sales) that I believe gives you the abilities and advantages I discussed above.
It’s a very simple way of thinking about marketing.
But, it works really well.
Because it’s based on reality.
It is aligned with how human brains really work.
It shows you the exact process that every human brain uses to make buying decisions.
And, if you think about it, doesn’t that make sense?
Shouldn’t a marketing framework be based on how we all make buying decisions?
Shouldn’t that be the place we start if we want an effective and useful framework for thinking about how to do marketing and sales?
I think so.
And, that’s proved to be the case.
For me and my businesses, and for the clients I work with.
I’d like to share this marketing framework with you.
It’s very simple. It’s easy to understand. And I think it might just change how you think about marketing and sales, for the better.
Most people I share this with are able to see almost immediately what they need to do to market and sell more effectively.
They don’t get confused as much, and because of that, they take much more action (which is the only thing that creates results).
They can more quickly and easily see what’s wrong with their marketing and selling processes, and how to fix them so they align better with how people really make buying decisions.
And what’s great is, this framework is all about respecting and aligning with how your prospects and customers make buying decisions. This means there’s never any need for hard-selling, pressure tactics, aggressive or sleazy tricks.
It’s a very natural way of selling and marketing.
And that means your prospects and customers will like it, a lot.
And, I'd venture a guess that a lot more of them will start buying from you, when you understand and apply this framework.
If you’d like to discover this new way of thinking about marketing and selling, I’d be happy to send you my free email mini-course.
After you sign up, you’ll get an email from me every few days.
Each email will share a part of this framework, and you’ll learn the whole thing in under two weeks.
If you’d like to get the free email course, just put your email address in the form below: