The testimonials below come from people I have worked with closely. They are clients from my previous business, which was a web design and development company serving summer camps.

I did all the marketing and sales work to bring in each of these clients. For some of these projects, I was the lead project manager working directly with the client, and for others I managed my employees who led the projects and worked with the clients directly.

(You can watch the videos or click the links to see the full text of each testimonial.)



MATT KAUFMAN - Assistant Director, Camp Ramaquois

“I definitely trust Chris Davis and his team.  He is a camp person, he understands what we’re looking for.  He took the time to really understand what our goals were for our website and for our camp in general, and that goes a long way with us in terms of trusting a person.  We can’t recommend him strongly enough, we’re looking forward to working with him in the future and he’s definitely one of our most trusted vendors.”

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MARK BENEROFE - President, CampGroup

“Well, our relationship working with DVS is really only a year or so old, but it really feels much longer than that. I trust them like somebody I’ve known much longer.  And, to me that comes from always standing by what you say – everything DVS says they’re going to do, they do, and they do it in a very responsive timeframe.  They do not only what they say they’re going to do, but when they say they’re going to do it.  And, if we ever have an issue, it’s always been very easy to resolve.”

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JUSTIN GERSON - Director, Canadian Adventure Camp

"We were really pleased with the way our website has come out. I'd have to say that it actually exceeded our expectations on what it's accomplished. It’s definitely reached our goals from the perspective of all of our current families [customers] have given us really positive feedback and we seem to be generating a lot more newer traffic as a result.”

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MATT DORTER - Assistant Director, Camp Jacobson

“They [DVS] helped us with a couple different innovative pieces - things that I don’t think really exist on other websites.  One of them was a typical day tool, which is really cool.  Essentially, you enter your child’s age and gender and you get a first-person rundown that’s specific to that child, as opposed to a general overview.  That’s one of the most viewed pages on our [new] website.”

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THERESA STRIDE - Marketing Manager, Camp Kulaqua

“The money-back guarantee... if there was ever an issue, if there was ever anything that we didn’t think it would be going the right way, it was just really nice to know that at any point that we could just say never mind.  So if a company offers something like that, that means that they’re going to deliver.  We really believed if DVS was that willing to offer a money-back guarantee, then they were going to be going above and beyond.”

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LEE PINSTEIN - Owner, Maplewood Day Camp

“The new website, the feedback that we’ve received from our clients has been really positive. Parents who have sent their children to the camp for a number of years give us some great feedback about the website. They said it was easy to use. They thought it looked fantastic. So it was nice to get that feedback from our current clients. But we also received some really good comments from people who had never been to Maplewood before and would comment that the website again looked really good. They loved the way the pictures and the videos showed up, the maps, the map of the camp was easy to use. So overall the feedback was excellent from all of our customers.”

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JED DORFMAN - Owner, Camp Walt Whitman

“The new website is awesome. It is everything that we hoped it would be. Not only is it incredibly attractive, it’s been very useful and user-friendly and led to wonderful feedback from our customers and potential clients.”

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