Warm Email (42.9% opens, 16.3% clicks)
This is an email I wrote which was sent as part of a 10-email autoresponder sequence to warm leads who had opted-in to receive a free report.
42.9% of the people who received this email opened it and 16.3% clicked on one of the links within the email.
Click here to read my email (PDF)
Email Open Rate & Click Through Rate
(The industry averages shown in the chart are the median of reported industry averages from Constant Contact and MailChimp, two leading email service providers.)
- SUBJECT LINE & OPEN RATE. I used "pretty sure none of your competitors have this on their website" as the subject line to make recipients curious to see what "this" refers to, and to infer that "this" may be an opportunity for the recipient to gain an advantage over their competitors.
- THIS IS SOMETHING NEW AND UNIQUE. People are more likely to open and read an email that is relevant and useful to them. People are even more likely to open and read an email that is relevant and useful to them AND talks about something new and unique. This email included all of that, and for that reason, it got extraordinary open rates and click through rates.
- NO OVERT SELLING. This email is really just bringing something to the attention of the reader and giving them an opportunity to check it out. The email doesn't give reasons for why you should buy it, or buy from us, or any kind of overt selling. This goes a long way to building trust with readers, and has translated into many of our readers turning into curious leads and then clients.
- TESTIMONIAL. Even though we don't include overt selling in this email, we have included a testimonial from one of our clients under the signature. We do this to show that we're legitimate, credible, trustworthy, and competent. And the testimonial we included specifically references the Typical Day Page, which is exactly what we talk about in this email.
- FREE BABY STEP OFFERS. Below the testimonial, we make three offers to the reader. These offers give the person the ability to take a tiny, baby step closer to us, without taking risk, and without making any commitment. When a person takes a baby step, we segment them into a different email list and take different actions with them going forward, because they have now indicated to us that they are more interested.